Saturday, April 20, 2019

Winter Ascent, Kearsarge

Winter Ascent, Kearsarge
8 in. x 8 in., acrylic on canvas
$130 (framed)

When my friend Jennessa scaled the side of my favorite mountain last February, she took some great shots during her climb.  The moody sky and light snowfall she climbed under created an ephemeral atmosphere in her photos, and, with her permission, I wanted to capture the odd combination of the softness of the mood with the stark crispness of the scene.  I decided to eliminate all extraneous bits and pieces from the forest floor and distill the simplified elements of the landscape into cool sky and warm shadows, sharply sloping mountainside, trees and snow.  I used ragged ribbons of acrylic texture paste under the paint layers of the near side trees to pull them forward into the space in front of the canvas and build a textural and dimensional experience for the in-person viewer.  

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Pemigewasset River in June

Pemigewasset River in June
11 in. x 14 in., acrylic on canvas
$185 (framed)

Last summer, this was my view from the steam train at Clark's Trading Post in Lincoln, New Hampshire, while having a fun day with our grandchildren, Gloria and Wesley.  The train at Clark's crosses the Pemigewasset River by way of a covered bridge from 1904, and opens up briefly into this vista over the waters.  It was day of increasing cloudiness, but for a short time, a bit of blue sky and sun decked the mountains and water with light, briefly changing the moody appearance of the valley and riverbed.  Looking north toward Franconia, the exposed rocky riverbed of sandy-colored rocks and gravel created a lovely, sunlit field of stone on the opposite shore. The Pemigewasset River starts up at Profile Lake in Franconia (home to the former Old Man of the Mountain which fell from the Cannon Mountain cliff face in 2003) and runs south through the White Mountains.  It continues down to Franklin, flowing for almost 70 miles before joining the Winnipesaukee River.  The two join to become the mighty Merrimack River that ultimately takes those waters to the Atlantic Ocean at Newburyport, Massachusetts.